Ernesto Enriquez
Ernesto Enriquez
Ernesto Enriquez has been in love with music since his early years and decided to study music to become a musician at the age of 15. He graduated from the National Music School back in Cuba, his homeland and since then, he has had an amazing journey with music!
Ernesto Enriquez has performed internationally at major events, hotels, corporate events, weddings, music festivals and music schools.
As a music composer, it was passion in the beginning, the main engine and the inevitable impulse that got him started on writing songs and music in the corner of his room about the first love, the friend that left for good, the mountain, the city, the air……Nothing has changed since as life continues with the same immense necessity to answer back his own thoughts and reflections, translating and orchestrating them through a musical instrument that is within his own nature.
Ernesto Enriquez is also a music educator, working currently at various international schools.