Leonardo Mendoza
Leonardo Mendoza
Leonardo Mendoza has been sessioning and recording saxes and ethnic wind instruments for various musicians and singers; both local and foreign artists over the last decade; they include extraordinaires like Michael Stanton, Christy Smith, Mohamed Noor, Richard Jackson, Denise Menningfield, Casey Subramaniam, JJ Lin, Jeremy Tordjman and Alemay Fernandez just to name a few.
He joined a variety of bands along the years too, from well known club bands, to pub acoustic bands and to more personal bands like Los Caballeros, Alma Latina, Soul Satis-Faction, Men in Groove, Smooth Colada, Afro Espanyol, Barrio Latino, Project R4S, Mean Mr. Mustard, Jeremy Tordjman Group, Vasantham Boys and many more.